Thursday, January 17, 2008

Focus on your goals and use fear to your advantage

Does Fear control your ability to move forward towards your goals? For so many people it does. There is no other real explanation for our lowering our goals and aspirations. We lower them to meet our capabilities either personally or financially. Our doubts and our fears define our comfort zone and it is our comfort zone that we feel the best in. Our comfort zone is in direct proportion to our achievement zone or our wealth zone. It stands to reason then that we should always be working on expanding our comfort zone doesn't it?

So many people want to do more. So many people want to enjoy an increase in either their time or their income. They know it is possible because many other people have done it. There has to be something happening in their life that is defining them, or inhibiting them from accomplishing the increase. Now when we talk about increase we are not just referring to a person's time and money with reference to their job or their position in life. People are unable or able, depending on their beliefs, to increase in all aspects of their life. Take a moment and consider your own situation. Do you have a desire for more, in some aspects of your life? Of course you do.
Would you like to have more time to spend with your children? Would you like to have more disposable income so that you can take your family on a vacation, or at the least take your loving spouse on a really nice and enjoyable weekend without worrying about your time from work, or your money from your bank account? Would you like to be more charitable to your favorite causes? Maybe you have always wanted to go back to school, or start your own business, or move back to your home town, or move away from your home town. It doesn't matter what it is that you have the burning desire for. All that matters is what you do to achieve it and make it happen. What are you doing to expand your comfort zone?

There are many acronyms or definitions when the gurus talk about fear. Usually these acronyms make people more afraid to go after what they want but by the end of this article, if you can adopt a new meaning for fear you will be able to use it, fear that is, to your advantage. You see as powerful a tool fear can be for not achieving, it can also be used, just as powerfully as a tool to help you achieve. Just like the old adage of keeping your friends close and keeping your enemies closer, you can learn to keep your fear very close and therefore keep a very close eye on it and use it to your advantage.

As an example many people look at fear as the following: False Evidence Appearing Real. This was originally meant as a way to use fear to your benefit, but has a very negative feel to it. When you are going through your due diligence on a goal that you have set, you will quickly realize what actions you need to take to achieve it. With this definition of fear, in the back of your mind, you will continually be saying to yourself that all the positive things you are seeing and feeling are false. That cannot be good for your subconscious mind and ultimately you will convince yourself to jump right back into your comfort zone.

One of the most recent breakdowns of fear that I have heard is Forget Everything And Run. Use this one and you will only put a toe in the water outside of your comfort zone and then pull it right back immediately. You won't get anywhere like that.

Here is one that we use daily and has had a great effect on the people that we coach train and mentor. When we see an opportunity, have an idea or choose a path that we feel fear about we remember this: Focused Energy Achieves Results. Apply this to your due diligence and apply it to your goals and aspirations. By applying focused energy to your thoughts, goals, aspirations, ideas and your burning desires you will quickly be able to determine the real opportunities, or the good opportunities from the bad.

Remember your feelings determine your thoughts which control your actions which determine your results. If your feeling of fear becomes focused energy until you know that it is the right path for you, then you will achieve the results you desire. Talk about expanding your comfort zone and ultimately your achievement zone.

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