Friday, October 17, 2008

Do Your Affirmations Support your Goals?

Most of us have heard of affirmations, many of us even use them on a regular basis. They truly are a powerful tool when used to support the achievement of our goals.

The problem is many of us fall into the trap of letting them undercut the achievement of our goals. Let's say for example that you are running late for work for the third time this month, and frustrated about it you say to yourself, "I am always late". Your subconscious mind then takes that on and says, "Ok, I am always late". It will then proceed to make sure that you are indeed always late.

Instead we need to forgive ourselves of our mistakes afterall, we are only human. When you make a mistake recognize it as just that, a mistake, do not affirm it as who you are. Instead forgive yourself and begin to affirm what you really want. "I choose to be on time for work everyday".

Affirmations are a great personal growth tool when used in a positive, supportive way. The important thing is to make sure that your self talk is in alignment with what you want at all times. Use your affirmations to support the achievement of your goals, not undercut them.

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