Monday, January 14, 2008

Materializing your goals requires action

Materializing your goals requires action

You will hear this statement over and over again as you become more of a student of personal development. As mentioned previously, the first action required is to become a student, not only of personal development, but of your self. You should put the personal back into your personal development. If you are like we are, you can look in just about any room of your house and find some sort of book, cd, dvd, or system of personal development. There are gurus from every walk of life. Gurus that work with every aspect of your mindset.

If you are truly studying yourself, you are taking notes as you read them or listen to them. You are creating some exercises for yourself, or maybe you have a product or course that is teaching you about yourself. This is how you put the personal back into personal development. Instead of just reading and listening, you are actually translating the material into the language and action that is germane to you. As you develop your mind, you are taking all of the information and applying it to yourself. You see, all of this material is written from that author's perspective, or from a global perspective. We don't all fit into a global model - as a matter of fact a global model is simply a compilation of many, right?

As you get to know yourself, realize that your first step is to develop a path for you. Then realize what it is that holds people back, and will undoubtedly hold you back if you fail to address it. There are 2 things that can have a huge impact as to whether or not you can take the action required to materialize your goals:

  • Doubt, and
  • Fear.

It is absolutely imperative that you remove all doubt. Your doubt establishes itself and becomes rooted in your subconscious mind. This happens as a result of your feelings that you have as you think about your direction and your goals. Your goals need to be written in a fashion that makes you feel good when you read them and think about them, which needs to be often. The removal of doubt is only achievable by you. You are unable to read a book, or an article like this and then say ok, no more doubt for me. You have to replace each doubtful thought with a positive and reactionary thought. Think of it as a video game. The negative thoughts or doubts are the bad guys and your conscious mind is armed and ready to just zap them out of your universe or your sub-conscious mind. You just have to play the game.

Once you have developed the ability, and the game will never end, to effectively zap your doubt away you will be in the process of convincing your sub-conscious mind that you can achieve all that you have a true burning desire for. You still won't be done in your preparations though - keep in mind that there is still another obstacle to get around before you can take the action required; fear.

Until next time!

Your Feelings lead to your Thoughts which lead to your Actions which directly impact your Results!

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