Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Putting focused energy into every moment

We wrote in another article about visualizing yourself having already attaining the goal. This is the whole Be Do Have mindset. When it comes to materializing your goals, you must find a way to see yourself as a success and having already accomplished and materialized your goal. You will know when you have perfected this mindset when you materialize, even a small goal because it will feel almost serendipitous to you. This will feel like it was absolutely was supposed to happen, just like it did.

You see there are times when there will be apparent, and even some not so apparent obstacles that you either put in place or that you run into. These obstacles are a fact of life but how you face them and deal with them is entirely up to you. You can sit and think that you will never be able to overcome them or you can put some intense focused energy onto them in order to easily skirt around them. You can choose to believe that you are the only person that has ever faced that challenge or obstacle or you can very quickly realize that it is what it is, simply a bump in the road and many other very successful people have already hit it and got around it.

You see whatever obstacle you believe is in front of you, there have been others that have overcome even greater challenges. It truly boils down, not to where you are now because in a split second that will be the past so where you are now is of little consequence. What is really important right now, right now and right now is how you approach life. What attitude do you possess towards your future circumstances and how you approach your life.

The ultra successful people in our world and society fully experience every moment. There are a couple of really good reasons, logical reasons for fully experiencing every moment:

  • The moment you are in is the only moment in which you have power
  • The past is the past, even if it just happened a split second ago
  • You future depends on the choices you make right now, right now and right now

In order to live life with an abundant and prosperous future, you must live your life so that it is experienced as rich and rewarding in each and every moment. This is all about putting focused energy into each and every moment and living your life as you would and have imagined it to be. Remember a couple of things about focused energy:

Focused Energy Eliminates Lack (feeling), and
Focused Energy Achieves Results (fear)

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