Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Track your progress and Celebrate your wins

How you feel is so tremendously important don’t you think? I mean really, when you feel good about an accomplishment it empowers you to do so much more. As a result recognizing that feeling is just as important. By recognizing the feeling I mean you need to celebrate it and by celebrating the process of that achievement you will feel better the entire time you are working towards the end result. Celebrating the process is best achieved by keeping a progress log, either in your journal or on the back of your goal card.

It really doesn't matter how big or how small the goal is that you want to materialize either, no matter what, keep track of your progress towards it and celebrate the heck out of it once you have gotten there. Take a moment and have a look at a couple of goals that have been materialized recently and how we tracked them and then celebrated them.

In January of this year I set a goal to achieve a premium membership status with ezine articles. Now from what I could figure out, that could be a relatively simple process or I could make it a difficult process. I knew that would be my choice. Like I have described in some of my past articles I chose to put focused energy into the task. I went about learning exactly what was expected of my for submitting articles that adhered to the guidelines of the platform, realizing of course, that it didn't matter whether I agreed with the guidelines or not. I wanted to be posting articles there and as a result I had to adhere to their rules. It just was fortunate that I had no issues with the guidelines by the way.

I knew that the process could take anywhere from 10 – 25 submissions and I was on a mission to get the task done in 10. I charted every success on the road. I kept a log of my articles, when they were submitted and when they were approved until I reached what I had faith was the last one that I would need for the upgrade. Every time an article was approved I put a great big check mark and the date by it. Today I celebrate being upgraded by letting my entire list of associates and customers know about it, they celebrate with me and the positive energy around the articles is astounding. Now I realize that this is a small celebration, but it is a celebration none the less and I always feel better celebrating than anything else.

Now let me tell you about a bigger goal that we are going to be celebrating at the end of this month. A couple of years ago my wife and I set a goal to work from home, together, full time and profitably. Because we applied absolute laser beam focused energy into that goal, tracked every inch of our progress towards it we will be celebrating with the bottle of Champagne that we put aside just for this occasion. We put that focused energy into several areas:

Watching and tracking our progress (celebrating every small win and step towards the goal)
Personal development
Goal setting
We carefully chose the business models we would use
Responsibility, and

A long time ago we picked out the resort we wanted to celebrate at and we will be doing just that in a few short weeks. Living a life of design, our design is a wonderful thing.

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