Saturday, October 25, 2008

Adversity Provides Clarity on What You Want

Nobody likes to struggle, but we can all use our bad times to become clear on our goals. This is simply done by knowing what we don't want, which allows us to use contrast through clarity to figure out what we do want.

For example if you are stuck in a job you hate, you can sit down and write out all of the things that you don't like about your job on one side of a sheet of paper. You may end up with some things like: My boss doesn't appreciate me. My work is boring and unfulfilling.

Now you can go down the list of things that you don't want and cross them out and beside them on the other side of the page write down the opposite, or what you do want. You may end up with things like: I am very appreciated and valued for my work. My work is challenging, rewarding, and fulfulling.

You can now use the law of attraction to focus on what you want, and start to take the action steps to achieve it.

Sometimes we need the bad times to know and appreciate the good times. If you know what you don't want, only focus on it long enough to get clear on what you do want. You can then be free to focus on your goals.

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