Saturday, November 1, 2008

Visualization Can Change Your Mind

If achieving your goal involves getting out of your comfort zone, you are going to have to spend some time reprogramming your subconscious mind before you can achieve it. Your brain is set much like the thermometer in your home, to keep the temperature at the set point.

When you begin to take action steps towards achieving a big goal which is outside of your current comfort zone, a chemical is released into the nervous system which your brain defines as danger. It is imperative that you spend some time resetting the temperature/comfort zone in your mind, this can be done through visualization.

With consistent and persistent daily visualization of your goal and the emotions you will feel upon achieving that goal, you are telling your subconscious mind that reaching your goal is within your comfort zone and perfectly safe. Your subconscious mind cannot decipher between reality and imagined reality.

Visualization is one of the tools which allows us to use the Law of Attraction to achieve what we want. A few short minutes a couple of times a day, can help to get you on your way to achieving your goal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I use visualization every single day to calm my nerves and create focus around my goals and desired outcomes in life.

Another method I use on top of visualization is the use of a vision boards. Have you ever heard of them? They are images pasted on a board that represent your hopes, dreams, and goals. Studying these boards every days plants seeds of these goals within your subconscious mind.

Your subconscious mind is where all of your habits are formed. Combine these visualizations with mediation and self-affirmations, and the seed of your goal in your subconscious mind will begin to grow, sprouting a newly developed habit that is oriented towards your desired outcome, or goal.

John Assaraf does a better job of explaining this and showing you how to do it in his new book "The Complete Vision Board Kit." I downloaded the free chapter here at