Thursday, January 31, 2008

How to Control Luck and Materialize Your Goals

Ever wonder why some people seem to have all the luck and others just don't seem to have any luck at all? What is your thought on that? Is there a universal force that determines who gets the luck or do we as human beings determine it for ourselves? Maybe it is the human doers that get all the luck......

We used to wonder the same thing...

especially when we were struggling in life!

It seemed everyone had it easier or had more luck than me... People we worked with were having more success, getting the deal or moving ahead of me. We couldn't figure it out, it just didn't make any sense. We wondered how do we get control over our circumstances and results.

Then we realized something that changed our lives forever!

We began to study those folks, and especially ultra successful people. In talking with these people about their success, they all shared with us that they didn't believe luck had anything to do with their success. They said that their luck, as we knew it, was a result of a series of choices that they made.

Can you believe that? We thought they were all so lucky and they didn't even believe in luck!
Rather, each one of them said they made the decision to be successful and then they took the actions necessary to materialize their goals... that's what made them successful.

We thought...yeah, but you haven't experienced the adversities and challenges that we have!
But, many of them had. The stories of what they overcame to get where they are now were amazing! One good friend of ours is actually legally blind and he has been "lucky" enough to place in the top 10 of the Olympic games in tandem cycling, create one very successful traditional business and an ultra successful online business. was totally inspiring. Here are some choices they made…. And oddly enough they were all choices under their control…. They were mindset choices:
  • Circumstances would not get in the way of success
  • No obstacles are too great
  • No amount of work is to much
  • Nothing anyone else says would deter them
  • They would ignore the False Evidence that Appeared Real and replace that with Focused Energy and Achieve Results

What they taught us was that successful goal setters and achievers choose success.

This was a huge wake up call for us. There would be no more complaining all the time about circumstances, jobs, bosses... we would no longer feel powerless, as though this was the hand that life had dealt us.

We realized that our lack of luck was an excuse that we were using to justify why we were not living the life we wanted. We were choosing the easy way out.

Choose to take responsibility for the results in your life... no more blaming everyone and everything else. It is time to choose to be lucky!

Donald Trump talks of a great golfer that said:

The harder I work, the luckier I get

We are so thankful and grateful that we made the change in our life, because, quite frankly, we were tired of waiting for luck to work out for us.

And, life is a lot easier now than it used to be...that's for sure!

Once we got that we could create our own luck our lives totally turned around! We attracted a great business and mentors and now live a life we are excited about and have become the leaders and mentors we have always envisioned ourselves to be.

And....the best part? Anyone can create their own luck. we are living proof!

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