Friday, February 1, 2008

Be Do Have is very different from Fake it until you make it

As we circulate through the personal development world we hear many of the leaders and the gurus talk about be do have:

· Be the person that you want to be
· Do the things that person would do, and
· Have the things that person would have

Up until I discovered personal development and realized that materializing your goals, achieving your burning desires and realizing the abundance in all aspects of my life was really only a mindset away, I truly thought that Be Do Have was just another way of saying:

· Fake it until you make it, or
· Keeping up with the Jones's

The harsh reality is though that there are still people that believe that they have to fake it until they make it. Actually, as much as I hated the whole idea, we truly were living that lifestyle and weren't really aware of it. When we figured out the true meaning of Be Do Have, there was a huge transformation in our lives.

There are people that are driving around in automobiles that they cannot afford, wearing suits, jewelry, leather coats and perfumes that they just are not in the financial situation to own. These are people living in their dream homes, well before they have achieved their dream. Like we were, they are faking it until they make it and simply keeping up with the Jones's.

Now I am not on a soap box here about over extending or living beyond your means. I am simply saying that there is a major difference between faking it until you're making it and mastering the Be Do Have principle.

Mastering the Be Do Have principle is the key to mirroring successful people. There is a mindset to success, we all know that. The ultra successful people in our world and society have that mindset of success. Take some time to get associated with some successful and some ultra successful people. This is much easier than it sounds, you can get to know Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki and T Harv Eker, just to name a couple of relatively successful people through their books. I actually prefer them in audio format. When you can have a mindset of success that mirrors the mindset of people like these you will now how to Be Do and Have just like them.

Join some associations of successful people, either locally or online. The possibilities are limitless online. No matter how you do it, in order to materialize your goals you need to realize that Be Do Have is a mindset.

Be a big thinker, be success oriented, be willing to take the actions to achieve your goals. Do the things an ultra successful person does every day, follow their Daily Method of Operation. Be Just as organized as they are, just as dedicated as they are. Have the same thought process as they do and learn to make decisions quickly and effectively. Study them, their habits. Get to know successful people in all the areas you want to change. Once you are done, and you have become the person you want to be. When you have materialized your goals then remember to share your successes and your abundance. Never forget that abundance is for everybody.

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