Friday, January 25, 2008

Obstacles and Failures -- nothing more than educational opportunities: if you know your why!

Let's face it. Sometimes we set goals and forget about them after a few days, or a few weeks, sometimes a little longer. Why is that? Simply, if you forget about your goals, they're not important enough! This is why it's imperative that we really, really want what we say we want - that's called "a strong desire".

We like to call it a Burning Desire. Ours are like the Olympic flame: never extinguished!

Why do you want to earn $200,000 per year? What will you do with that brand new car? Who will you go on that tropical vacation with? What does that dream house look like? Who is attending that house warming party when you move into the Dream House? Who is that special significant other you're spending your life with? When we're clear on WHAT we want, and WHY we want it, we have a much higher opportunity to materialize our goals.

Here's an example: You've set a significant goal to start your own business, you've established that you want this so that you can have time and money freedom. You go to the bank to get a new-business start up loan and you're denied. Now you tell yourself, "This just isn't meant to be for me" and you quit - before you even start.

Here's that example combined with a Burning Desire: You've set that same significant goal to start your own business. You've established that you want this so that you can spend more time with your kids, be the kind of husband or wife that you know you are, be happy, create a loving and empowering environment for your kids to grow up in, be recognized in your community as a leader, experience memorable vacations with your family and friends, give back in an impactful way and live your life's purpose. You know that in return for this goal you will give back to everybody in your world and then some, you know it is the right thing to do and you have faith that it will work.

You go to the bank to get a new-business start up loan and you're denied. Now you tell yourself:

Next! There is way and I'll make this happen!

You see, the first scenario we had a 50% "why" and a 70% obstacle. In the second scenario we had a 100% why and a 70% obstacle. When we're really, really clear on WHY we want something, we're able to move through the obstacles in our path. These obstacles are just growing experiences and are nothing but educational to prepare us for who we are to become. Think about that - obstacles prepare us for who we are becoming. That in itself is pretty exciting don't you think?!

Revisit your why - if it isn't strong enough, you don't really want it after all. Go back and decide what you REALLY want. Then you'll create magic!

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