Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Surviving your circle of influence....

How to survive your Circle Of Influence, or worse yet your family….

Well here you are, developing your list of things that you ARE going to achieve, goals that you are going to materialize so that you can ease that burning desire, and finally live that life that you know you deserve! You have been studying yourself and really opening up your mind to all the opportunities and possibilities: isn't it exciting? You know it is.

It is great that you finally have a belief in yourself, that you know you can earn twice the money you are now and you know that finally you can buy your dream home and find that perfect partner. You have developed your new mindset to have faith instead of just hoping. Hope is just a wish list, while faith is true belief.

Wait a minute though; as you are talking about your goals and aspirations, people that you deal with, even live with every day are saying:

1. You can't do that, what are you thinking
2. Money is the root of all evil
3. Rich people are bad
4. You will never find the perfect person, you should settle for someone good and nice
5. You don't deserve to be any happier than the rest of us

And on and on it goes - and you know what - will continue to go.

It is important to realize that the people around you have no problem with you achieving or being successful. They really don’t. The reality is though, unless they are like-minded to you when it comes to big thinking, goal setting and materializing your goals, they will never want you to be more successful than them. It is just a fact. Think about it - when you see one of your friends or a family member become really "lucky" or achieve a milestone, are you truly happy for them or do you say, man that is great for them but what about me?

Should you be fortunate enough to have positive minded people in your circle of influence, take notice of their reaction when someone gets promoted or achieves a milestone. Their first reaction will be one of elation for the person, and gratitude for knowing someone that has attracted such good fortune into their lives. Proof of abundance will abound for them. Here are some tips for becoming the person that knows and believes that abundance in all aspects of life is for, and is readily available, to everybody:

1. Keep a gratitude log; every time something happens that is positive in your life, write it down
2. Affirm and visualize your goals consistently
3. Write your goals out in story form to help you in your visualizations
4. Associate with like minded people. Join a law of Attraction group or have a get together to watch your new favorite movie, The Secret
5. Most importantly, when dealing with your circle of influence is (drum roll please)… be influential, not influenced: How great would it be to watch your friends and family become ultra successful and jump on this journey with you.

Remember that if your life is on autopilot, it will not take long for your sub-conscious mind to steer you right back on the course you were on. Take the reigns folks, control your outcomes, and create your own destiny.

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